First things first, the 'A' in my name is more of an article than an initial just because i like it that way.
I was in the company of my dearest friend "vacation" over the past three months. Unfortunately or fortunately,the time has come to bid him adieu rather prematurely. Going into this relationship, i had set myself certain goals but alas things didn't work out as i expected.
I wanted to obtain a membership in the wimbledon championships but all that i managed to acquire was a membership in the British library. I wanted to gain some experience in the skill of reading Telugu but i gained some experience in Shakespearean literature .I wanted to live a pro-active life but all that i did was " i ate, i slept and i excreted". Disgusting dude
Well moving away from my stinking self, the monsoon was here accompanied by floods, very much like brothers in arms unlike Mukesh and Anil who don't realise the agony they can unfurl amongst their counterparts by sticking together. It was a welcome change though to see our politicians use their common sense once in a while.(The above mentioned statement is in connection with Mr.Modi who escaped to Switzerland while his state was having a hell of a time in the hands of nature)
I had also become quite trigger happy during the holidays, so much so that, i took a shot at all the offers that were thrown my way. Firstly, i decided to take a membership in the British library just because it cost only Rs.1100 per annum.Secondly, i also subscribed to a magazine just because they had sent my father an application form. Both were completely unnecessary actually due to the presence of a "well equipped" library at my college which was, as a matter of fact, also pointed out by the librarian at the British Library.
Talking about shots, the crime situation in my beloved South Africa seems to have spiralled out of control with as many as 19000 murders being committed in a single calendar year.
Every joke Brad Pitt’s made this awards season
5 years ago
ReplyDelete... a nostalgia of those wonderful write-ups in english classes @ school..
u kept up with time.... ur writings as crisp and refreshing as ever!
welcome if i may... to the world of Blogging.. :D
keep blogging..