Disclaimer :- If you happen to be an organizer (Felicity) and are expecting to be showered with praise, then stop doing so, because this ain't just another "run of the mill" blog.
The disclaimer seemed prudent since 'praising the organizers' seems to be the flavor of the season.
Let me begin with the negatives (so typical of me)
1) Awards
If you hail from NIFT, then all that you have to do to win a prize is to simply participate in a event ! We then take it into our own hands and see to it that not even a single 'NIFT ki kudi' walks away empty handed.
2) Major Nights
They weren't worthy of their billing, both money and otherwise.
The Rock show didn't rock except for the few moshers up front. Last year's show was much better and the present rock scene(in our college) doesn't look so bright.
3) Soundtrack ( It may be the official soundtrack but has little or no bearing at all upon the event)
It sounds childish and......... i better not say more for the description can't get any better
Positives :-
You know all of them. So i guess, i can skip them.
My Participation (if you can call it that) :-
Took part in zombie zone. Got through the first round in FIFA, but didn't show up for the second round ( why?, not so sure i can share it with everyone) and also jumped about a bit, quite uncharacteristic of me.
Every joke Brad Pitt’s made this awards season
5 years ago
doesn't having a "constantly updating blog" convey how much i suck. Don't worry about the moderation man, i approve all the comments i get, lest pussies like you get frustrated
ReplyDeleteMoreover, moderation is the default option in wordpress and i don't know how to change it!!. Your help is most welcome
Well dude.. I dunno abt other events but in MnM the winner and you can't understand how much it pained me to see a NIFTian win.. I fuck**g hate that bloody college and unprofessionalism of the people of that college.. I blasted a guy for 5 mins for this... But if you would have seen.. The person who got the most cheers from the crowd was that girl (Aastha) and she won by the biggest margin anybdy has had in the 3 years i have seen in Mr & Ms. Felicty..
ReplyDeleteSo i think you shouldnt go about saying things just like that without knowing the facts...
1) Awards.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, you've got your facts wrong. The people from NIFT not winning was much higher this time around.
2) The rock show received widespread appreciation from all around. Check this out.
@ Karan :- maybe, but how am i supposed to know how many they won in the previous years. The decision to award them in the group dance event was the one which got me started
ReplyDeletecoming to the rock show, the views aired are relative (to that of the previous year). In the absolute sense, the rock show wasn't bad (i admit my error)
@Himank :- any girl who shakes her .... is bound to be given a wide spread reception. I am not against her receiving the Ms.Felicity tag
@ all:- i do go about formulating my own opinions based on the little facts i have. I ain't professional enuff to check the authenticity of everything that i write
However, that doesn't mean that all that i write is fictitious. If you want, i can a disclaimer stating that the views expressed here are completely mine, and only mine.
u seem to have got it all wrong about the rock show... if u have ne real feel of listening to rock, u ll be the last one to say that the last year's pussy show was better... every fan and critic praised the show alike... go and check the "hyderabad rock lovers" thread on orkut... get the facts first before blasting nething off...
ReplyDeletewhen did i blast anything off ??
ReplyDeletei just said that i liked the last year's gig more !!
i did see that orkut thread and having seen the feeling over there, i guess i will have to congratulate your taste of rock (as opposed to mine)
if you are of the feeling that more people liked this year's show, then good for you man.
Speaking of "the rock scene in our college", plz don't tell that the present "15 day" band is better than Insomnia
Lastly, when did orkut become a source for "facts" ?
I am actually amazed that so many of you "true rock lovers" participate in the discussions on orkut
Isn't orkut something like POP?? :)
As for the NIFT thingy, I thought you were a second year! Looks like you've woken up from a slumber this time around.
ReplyDelete@rahul.. Dude, orkut's just an indicator of what the "true" rock fans of hyderabad feel.. Not a place to collect facts and stuff. Towards the end of the rock show last year, there were 20 odd people remaining. This time around the figure was in hundreds. I guess that is indicative enough.
ReplyDelete@karan:- i didn't get you regarding the "NiFT thingy"
ReplyDeleteIf i am not mistaken, the rock show of last year lasted for a much longer time than the one this year.
More importantly, the organizers seem to have succeeded in indulging in a lot more effective publicity campaign (this time around)
So the numbers you mention are mostly the result of the clever work done by the organizers.
There was also no "big band" like Sledge last year!!
[...] An ever so brief take on felicity [...]
ReplyDelete[b]"i just said that i liked the last year’s gig more !"[/b]
ReplyDeletehere you are saying what you feel
[b]"Last year’s show was much better "[/b]
Here you are passing a judgment ...
I hope you can understand the subtle difference between the two statements.. Atleast they sound quite different to me
[b]"If i am not mistaken, the rock show of last year lasted for a much longer time than the one this year."[/b]
I guess you would also agree that quality matters more than quantity..
You talking about the campaigning and people enjoying it because of that.. Don't u think insomnia guys must be knowing enough "rock fans" of hyd to invite them over...
Calling people over is campaigning.. them staying back is the quality of the event.. Hope you can understand this difference...
How can you even compare last year's show with this one.. If you think last year was better then i guess you should start attending some rock gigs before passing such judgmental statements...
You were not concerned with MnM when you were talking about NIFT.. so i guess the point stands closed..
And one thing more.. it is not in the hands of organisers to give awards.. Organisers hav to go by the judges verdict.. thats why they are called... and sometimes even the organisers are distraught with the judges' verdict.. but this is the way to go man...
man, plz don't post such lengthy comments. I have to counter every statement u make and if u make these many, i guess i will have to skip some of them
ReplyDelete"I guess you would also agree that quality matters more than quantity.." :), so plz make them short
if there aren't many ppl at the start of an event, then how can there be any towards the end of it??
i was expecting you guys to point this out but i was also hoping that you would get the overall hang of it and Nevermind
regarding the quantity and quality, too much of anything ain't good (irrespective of the quality, which was better last time)
i'm going to be adamant with my view on the rock show
Had sledge played in the beginning, i'm sure that most of them would have left along with them
Coming to your question of comparison, i myself am amazed as to how you can compare this year's event to that of last year.
Here are the positives of your rock show:-
1) Moshing
2) that vampire looking bassist
3) i'm sorry i would have to go with moshing again
p.s:- there was nothing else
1) kicking off with the "15 day" band
2) Ended before mid nite
3) Drunk people (i am actually unable to decide whether having drunk people is a good or bad thing)
Positives of yesteryear's rock show:-
1) Quality
2) Quality
3) and......... more quality
Negatives :-
1) Poor turn out
2) No participation from the juniors ( Ug 2k5 and ug 2k6 alike)
lastly,i didn't hold organizers responsible for any of the judgments!!!
why do you assume everything to come down to you (i'm assuming u r an organizer)
Regarding the subtle changes, well pointed out man. Since this happens to be my blog, i pass judgments according to how i feel
The problem with the batch organizing felicity each year is that, they think that their felicity is better than the previous ones because of the hard-work they put in. But the truth is it is better because all the previous batches have worked hard to make it better and better each year.
ReplyDeleteThe crowd turn-out keeps increasing every year, but that doesn't mean this year's was better than last. I dont understand why organizers get so emotional when some one points out the negative things.
I have seen 6 felicities till now and the only thing that always gets better is the crowd.
Couldn't agree more
ReplyDeletesupport at last and that too from a wise sage :D
"if there aren’t many ppl at the start of an event, then how can there be any towards the end of it??"
ReplyDeleteLook at the ratio of the people at the start and the end. If there were 300 people at the start of the '07 gig, there were 20 at the end of it. In the '08 gig, if there were 1000 people at the start of it, there were nearly the same towards the end. I guess that speaks enough about the quality.
"Had sledge played in the beginning, i’m sure that most of them would have left along with them"
That shows how poor your knowledge on rock is and how inept you are to pass a comment of the quality of a rock show, which as I have already pointed out is being hailed as the "best college gig ever" by the who's who of Hyderabad's rock circuit. BTW, a headlining band always plays at the end.
"myself am amazed as to how you can compare this year’s event to that of last year."
rofl. Do one thing. Take a poll in the college as to which gig was better. You'll get the answer. Or ask the rock lovers of different batches. We are all AMAZED as to how you can even THINK of comparing the two rock shows. Its like comparing the degree offered by IIPM to that being offered by IIM-A.
"Ended before mid nite"
Please wake up from your slumber. For your very kind information, we have a deadline and that is midnight. The faculty wasn't too happy with last year, 'cos they went way passed the deadline.
"No participation from the juniors ( Ug 2k5 and ug 2k6 alike)"
Do one thing, download last year's rock video. Have a look at the first two rows. And then comment on UG2K5's participation.
@adaadadada : You are another one of those who makes statements but cannot come out in the open. I dont know why!!
C'MON MAN, even an infant knows that "a headlining band always plays at the end". I am amazed at how narrow your interpretation can be.
ReplyDeleteI was just saying that Sledge was the main reason for the turnout.
Geez buddy, do i have to explain each and every statement i make
"We are all AMAZED"
i won't be amazed if the "we" you mentioned are all from your batch
Even if your rock gig was the best in the city, why should i care? i found the last year's show better and my view ain't gonna change no matter how much support you muster.
Judging from your attitude, i assumed that you wouldn't turn up for other batch's felicity
It appears that all that you care about is your felicity getting praised
As for the "waking up from slumber part", i would be better off sleeping, than to wake up in the midst of this year's rock show
"i won’t be amazed if the “we” you mentioned are all from your batch"
ReplyDeleteHalf the wes are from your batch. Unfortunately, you dont care to check.
"Even if your rock gig was the best in the city, why should i care? i found the last year’s show better and my view ain’t gonna change no matter how much support you muster."
Who cares whether you change your view or not.. Just that I am stating what everyone thinks.
"Judging from your attitude, i assumed that you wouldn’t turn up for other batch’s felicity
It appears that all that you care about is your felicity getting praised"
That is extremely cheap of you. Have you cared to check on how much we worked last year? And the very fact that you are saying that it is "your Felicity", especially this year when UG2K6 has put in so much effort shows your narrow mindedness and belittles the effort your batch mates have put in.
i dont know who the fuck u are brother... but what i can make out from what i have read above is that u r one of those many substance-less guys who use a blog as a medium to write their shitty-mind out.
ReplyDeleteOne serious advice ...shut the fuck up for now....do sumthing for felicity next year...and then we will talk.
ps : u really missed the rashmi bansal workshop mann...it was meant for kids like u.
well man, i am only speaking on my behalf, not of my batch
ReplyDeletei appreciate the fact that it wasn't your felicity alone. I may have acted a bit hasty and blurted out something nasty but thankfully, you have rightly pointed out and put sense back into me.
So, i admit my grave error and apologize to everyone concerned (ain't it getting a bit dramatical)
Regarding the rock show, i have already congratulated you on the success of it and moreover, i also admitted that my views were strictly personal, but still you kept bringing it up. So i thought you wouldn't give up until i changed my view or something.
Lastly, if the world doesn't like what you like, then screw the world :D
@ abhijeet:- My mind ain't shitty man. If it were, i would be performing very well in this college (lol)
ReplyDeleteAs for doing something for felicity, i don't think that's possible man. I am the sort of guy who justs sits and sneers at everything
Lastly, don't judge a person just by his/her views on a single event. I am sure that you didn't even give a fuck as to what i said in all the other posts i have in this blog.
All you cared about was to belittle me and my character just for pointing out a few glitches in this year's felicity
Shame on you man
dumb :D
ReplyDeletethat's better :)